Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dragon Day

Today has been a hectic day for me, and I've got several stories yearning for my attention. So, rather than give detailed reviews today (though I will later on this week)  I'm going to list a handful of my favorite books.

More specifically, those centered around the theme or featuring my favorite fantasy creature. Dragons.

And check out the awesome cover art. 

Dragon's Blood:  Book 1 of Pit Dragon Chronicles by Jane Yolen. (This was my first introduction to dragons as a young person. It's classified as YA, but believe me, it works for adults too. Still re-read these.)

His Majesty's Dragon:  Book 1 of Tremaire Series by Naomi Novik. (Excellent alternate history. What if the Napoleonic era including dragons as the main air force for the Brits? History professor/teacher writes them. A little on the lecture side at times, but loved the wit and intelligence of the dragons)

Dragon Champion: Book 1 of Age of Fire series by E. E. Knight (It's pretty much a description of the coming-of-age of three dragon siblings. It stands above the rest, IMHO, for its originality -- the dwarves have glowing beards for example--and for the unique viewpoint through the dragon's eyes. The way it's handled is quite...different.)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Book Rave: Shadows and Light Anthology II

Taking a break from the "Sargas Chronicles" to applaud some hard work by Pill Hill Press.

I have always had a love/hate relationship with anthologies. Typically, in my experience, an anthology combines a plethora of bad to terrible stories, intermixed with a scant few good stories. I'm happy to say this anthology was the reverse.

When a writer friend of mine, Lydia Sharp, suggested I try it and mentioned her story was included in the collection, (Spread Your Wings And Die) I gulped and took the plunge with my Kindle. And was happily surprised. (Since I already have a pile of Noble-prize nomination anthologies in my "to-be-hurled-against-wall" stack)

Out of thirteen stories, I only found one that I disliked, and even that one was put together flawlessly, I just didn't like how it ended, as a reader. The anthology had a nice, slick look to it in the digital edition. Even though I missed out on the fancier font I've been told is in the print edition, the collection is so good that I'll likely purchase that one as well.

I am proud to say this anthology is the first book I've read this year to receive a 5-star rating from me. I actually had to make myself put it away before I didn't get any writing done for the day.

Definitely going to be looking for digital versions of the other anthologies by Pill Hill Press.
And here's some jazzy links if you want to try a sample.

Kindle Edition
Print Edition